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Erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotence, is a problem with erection in men. If a man cannot get or maintain an effective erection, he is not able to have sexual intercourse.

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What is Erectile Dysfunction and Impotence?

Sometimes, erectile dysfunction is a sign of more serious health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease. Stress and anxiety are the most common trigger factors for this problem in younger men. This can have a negative impact on their relationships.

Premature ejaculation is a condition in which men ejaculate their semen before it can enter or penetrate the partner’s uterus. This can be extremely distressing. This should not be confused for erection problems. Both cases show that the man cannot establish a relationship or friendship with his partner. Men lose their ability to conceive as they age. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem in older men.

Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

There are many natural remedies that can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. These should be used for at least three months before seeking medical attention. They will not do any harm. These are both short-term and long-term solutions. Other recommendations can be used regularly.

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Long-term Goals

It is possible to treat underlying issues such as erectile dysfunction by exercising. Regular exercise can help you in many ways. It can reduce stress, lose weight, and increase blood flow. A 30 minute walk at a steady pace is all that’s needed to help your body function well.

1.Eat foods high in zinc like chicken, turkey, shrimp, peanuts and avocado. It increases testosterone production and improves sperm mobility.

2. Vitamin E – Promotes blood circulation and circulation throughout the body. It acts as an antioxidant and helps to eliminate harmful free radicals. It can be taken in capsules or as a vitamin E rich foodstuff. This antioxidant prevents oxidative damage to cells and provides nutrients that support vital body functions.

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1. Another healthy option is to drink a glass of milk every night before going to bed. Many Indian families give their grooms a glass of milk with almond powder and crushed pepper on their wedding night.

2. Chocolate contains two chemicals, serotonin (a chemical that stimulates the pleasure region of the brain) and phenylethamine (a chemical that stimulates the pleasure area). These chemicals make you happy and optimistic.

3. Dried fruits like dates, almonds, raisins, pistachios and apricots are high in potassium and sodium. Eating dried fruits at night is equally stimulating.

4. The natural remedy for erection problems is to mix honey and powdered walnuts. Mix equal amounts of honey and powdered walnuts together. You can take a spoonful of the mixture three times daily, followed by a cup milk.

5. Drumstick is known for its aphrodisiac qualities. They are useful in treating premature ejaculation, thin skin problems, and other sexual problems. For best results, heat a glass milk with lower club flowers until it boils. Cool the mixture and continue to drink it for at least a month. You can either eat this as a vegetable, or make a soup from it.

6. Watermelon can be considered natural Viagra. It contains citrulline which relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to the penis. You can reduce the outer skin of watermelon and juice it. This is a great way to treat erectile dysfunction.

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Common causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many factors, including psychological and physical problems. The problem could be caused by one or more factors. Erection problems can also be caused by certain medications and pills. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience erection problems after starting a new tablet.

Causes of Physical Problems

  • Addiction to alcohol and drugs
  • Hormonal causes
  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • Obesity and excess weight
  • Arteriosclerosis (clogged blood vessels)
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Testosterone deficiency
  • Treatment for prostate cancer

Psychological Causes

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Relaxation difficulties